
rethinking general purpose and creative coding

hybrid visual live programming

...imagine combining the best of Java or Processing with the best of visual node-based systems like Node-RED;
imagine components defined as code fragments, so you're never constrained by what comes built-in;
imagine forking components or creating new ones all while your project is running...

Real-time processing

Forest-of-actors architecture for low-latency, data processing, media & embedded. Optional graphics module with support for Processing, GStreamer and OpenGL. Optional audio with Pipes and JACK.

Intuitive graphical patching

Node-based actor graph editing for fast visual project building. Drag & drop components, draw in connections. Edit everything live - instant feedback without interrupting flow.

Extend at runtime

Fork components on-the-fly, or create new ones from scratch, with real-time code reload. Integrated live Java editor and compiler. Export and share, or import from a growing library.

Distributed by design

Built from the ground up for working with multiple pipelines using a distributed architecture. Option to run projects transparently across processes or machines.
